About Shin Humphries
Shin Humphries is a 15-year-old guitarist and producer who lives in Austin, Texas. He experiments with a wide variety of genres from lofi to djent and recently released his first EP, a solo guitar EP called Remember When…. He posts many of these experiments on Instagram where his handle is @shinhumphries.
I offer a limited selection of CDs and accessories at my Bandcamp site.
I perform at parties, festivals, and other private and public events. If you are interested in having me—or Sho & Shin—perform at an event, score your film, or write a custom song for you, please use the form below to request information or to book the event. This isn't a mailing list and I won't store your info anywhere or send you spam. It's just a convenient way to get in touch with me. You can also message me on Instagram if that's more convenient for you.